Writing for Life: The Basics of Memoir & Biography
Writing for Life: The Basics of Memoir & Biography
Presented by: Jacqueline Kent
Location: Studio 34
Friday, 25 Oct - 9am-12pm
Limited to 20 participants
It is sometimes assumed that biography and memoir are easier to write than fiction. You don’t have to worry about plot or to invent characters. But you still have to grapple with issues that bedevil novelists or short story writers. How easy can it be to walk in someone else’s shoes? How accurate is memory likely to be? How far should you go in describing your experience or anyone else’s? What assumptions can you make about other people, or even about yourself?
Through discussion, sharing of information and class exercises, this three-hour workshop will deal with some of the most important aspects of writing memoir, autobiography and biography.
Participants will need to bring writing materials.